Treaty Alliance First Nations’ Refusal to Sign Funding Agreements a Sign of Growing Resistance to Canada’s Termination Agenda – Idle No More
Treaty Alliance First Nations’ Refusal to Sign Funding Agreements a Sign of Growing Resistance to Canada’s Termination Agenda
(March 24, 2014) Turtle Island – In a sign that more First Nations leadership are breaking with Canada’s government agenda, First Nations located in what is now known as Saskatchewan and Alberta have refused to sign funding agreements being imposed on them by the federal Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs.
The move by various Nations in Treaty 6 and Treaty 4 territories is an indication of growing frustration and opposition to the Harper government’s Termination Agenda, an agenda based on continuing unilateral, paternalistic and arbitrary government decisions, as opposed to a relationship of equals based on the Treaties made between the First Nations and the Crown.
“The leaders of these Treaty Alliance First Nations are pursuing fulfillment of historic Treaty obligations, respecting their nation-to-nation treaty jurisdiction, and fair, timely distribution of the Indian Trust Fund monies.” says Janice Makokis, an Idle No More Spokesperson.
“The Idle No More and Defenders of the Land Networks support the actions of the Treaty 6 and 4 Leadership and calls upon other First Nations leadership and Grassroots Peoples to organize and support peaceful and collective actions of unity and Indigenous self-determination to stop the ongoing oppression and Canadian State sponsored Termination of the Inherent, Aboriginal and Treaty rights of Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island, as well as, the continued theft of First Nations lands and resources.” says Russell Diabo, Defenders of the Land Spokesperson.
Canada’s “Termination” agenda means the continuing dispossession of the lands and resources of First Nations, the end of their pre-existing sovereign status through federal Indian Act legislation and funding, the conversion of First Nations into municipalities and their reserves into fee simple lands and extinguishment of their Inherent, Aboriginal and Treaty Rights.
Janice Makokis, Idle No More Contact Cell: (780) 915-0310
Russell Diabo, Defenders of the Land Contact Cell: (613) 296-0110
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Photographs by Dion Tootoosis: