Federal Framework Legislation Teach In Tools – Idle No More
In this blog post, we have included a two-page brochure and information sheet that you can print and distribute within your community’s. It has been prepared by grassroots volunteers to ensure that we have tools needed that break down the federal legalese, so you know exactly how our collective rights as the Original Peoples of these vast territories are being attacked. We have also prepared an information sheet to further help those people who have begun to organize teach-ins in communities across the land. Folks are already beginning to collectively educate folks about the Federal Recognition and Implementation of Rights Framework legislation, due to be introduced into federal parliament before the Christmas break.
To pay homage to our late colleague Arthur Manuel, we are also including information about the Art Manuel Awards and how you can nominate a Land Defender, Water Protector or Champion for Self-Determination. The deadline is this Friday, September 28th at midnight eastern time, only three days left to nominate someone you know. Everything you need to learn more about the awards is provided below the following teach-in tools.
Federal “Rights Framework” Legislation – Two Page Brochure
Through the combined efforts of the Idle No More, Defenders of the Land and Truth Before Reconciliation volunteers, this printable brochure is one of several tools we are providing to help you and your community members learn more about the Federal Recognition and Implementation of Rights Framework. The brochure is accessible by simply clicking on the picture below or you can access page one by clicking on this link: Federal Framework Brochure Page One
The brochure is accessible by simply clicking on the picture below or you can access page two by clicking on this link: Federal Framework Brochure Page Two
Federal Recognition and Implementation of Rights Framework – Information Sheet #1
What is the “Federal Recognition and Implementation of Rights Framework”? On February 14, 2018, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his plan to “chart a new way forward” for the federal government by creating a new Recognition and Implementation of Indigenous Rights Framework to include new laws and policies to define what federal “recognition” means in a law adopted by Parliament and what the federal government will and won’t include in “negotiations” of Indigenous Rights with First Nations, Metis and Inuit. Read more below on our printable information sheet. You can download, print and distribute to your family, friends, colleague and community members for analysis and discussion. Click on the pics below to download and print, or you can click here:
The Art Manuel Awards, Presented by Yellowhead Institute
The deadline to nominate a Land Defender or Water Protector from your territory is quickly approaching. If you have thought about nominating someone you know, now is the time to honour that person with a nomination for one of the three Art Manuel Awards. The Yellowhead Institute will recognize three individuals or communities that expand on Art’s legacy. Folks who are out there right now making significant, on-the-ground contributions to Indigenous self-determination. There is a total of $7000 in awards to be granted in a $5000 award and two $1000 awards.
The deadline is on Friday, September 28th 2018 (Midnight at EST)
CRITERIA: The recipients of the awards will show leadership in at least one of the following areas:
- Defending Indigenous rights, land or water
- Advocacy for Indigenous self-determination
- Expansion of Indigenous jurisdiction or law in social policy, governance, or lands beyond the reserve
- Impactful writing or research on Indigenous political economies.
Eligible action will have taken place between September 2017 – September 2018. However, ongoing work, leadership, or the legacy of a body of work before and beyond this timeframe are within the bounds of consideration. One of the three awards will be reserved for a local (Southern Ontario) Indigenous campaign, to be determined by the jury.
To learn more about the Art Manuel Awards or to submit a nomination, click here: The Art Manuel Awards