Tislhqot’in Supreme Court Decision Webinar – Idle No More
In Today’s webinar, Arthur Manuel will focus on the Tsilhquot’in Supreme Court of Canada Decision, including the BC Premier Sept 11th, 2014 Meeting with First Nation Leadership Council & BC Chiefs. This is the second in the Turning the Tables: Self Determination Not Termination series of webinars facilitated by Idle No More and Defenders of the Land. This Webinar will address colonization, self-determination and the need for Indigenous Peoples to take a strong stand on our Aboriginal and Treaty Rights.
It is through exercising Aboriginal and Treaty Rights that we can reduce and eliminate the systemic impoverishment we have experienced generation after generation under Canadian colonialism. The economic uncertainty and risk created by Aboriginal and Treaty Rights has caused economic institutions and individuals, such as former Prime Ministers, to begin addressing a new relationship with Indigenous Peoples. Both Federal and provincial governments realize that they have a legal obligation to consult with Indigenous Peoples: It is up to us to use that obligation to bring about an end to our existing dependency on the federal and provincial governments.
WHEN: September 08, 2014 at 7pm – 9pm EST
WHERE: Livestream available anywhere with internet access
Twitter: #TurnTheTables #idlenomore
Idle No More website: http://www.idlenomore.ca/tsilhqotin_webinar
Idle No More Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/849343801766123/
Presenter Arthur Manuel:
Arthur Manuel is a spokesperson for the Indigenous Network on Economies and Trade. Former Chief of the Neskonlith Band and chairperson of the Interior Alliance of BC First Nations. Manuel has been a leading voice of opposition to the Canadian government’s agenda to “extinguish” Aboriginal and Treaty rights and assimilate Indigenous peoples into the Canadian body politic. Active locally in defense of Shuswap land (during the expansion of the Sun Peaks resort), and at the national level, he has also taken the struggle international, following in the path of his father, the late George Manuel, President of the National Indian Brotherhood and founder of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples.
Arthur Manuel : Idle? Know more! Idle No More Jan. 25th 2013 Vancouver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkD0MpiiSow
Nation to Nation Now – The Conversations on March 23rd 2013 Toronto. Conversations with good hearts and good minds working for change. Panel discussion: Arthur Manuel and Russell Diabo on Canada’s First Nation Termination Plan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUvcIOYZSO0
Other articles of interest:
Tsilgqot’in Nation and Provinces begin Redressing the Past and Addressing Tsilhqot’in Title
Court Ruling means Tsilhqot’in Lands Never Belonged to Crown
Supreme Court Hands Tsilhqot’in Major Victory in Historic Ruling
Supreme Court’s Tsilhqot’in First Nation land title ruling boosts uncertainty in Canada’s natural resource sectors
Williams Case on Indigenous Land Title and Indigenous Land Title Express: Tsilhqot’in Journey for Justice
Calgary and Area Event Sept 9-11:
Under Western Skies: Environment, Community and Culture in North America 2014 will be held in Calgary, Sept 9-11. Activists, researchers and environmentalists will gather to present and discuss issues of timely importance to protection of the environment. Keynotes are free and open to the public and include: http://skies.mtroyal.ca/2014-keynote-speakers/. Full conference program: http://skies.mtroyal.ca/files/2011/10/UWS-2014-Program-Final.pdf