INM & Jiimaan Collective – Standing Rock Solidarity Delegation – Idle No More
We as grassroots Indigenous women from Ontario, are traveling to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline once and for all. We are asking for your help with the cost fuel to get there and back again with our messages of solidarity. Any unused funds raised for fuels costs, will be donated equally between the legal defense fund for the Red Warrior Camp & the Sacred Stone Camp. You can help support our work by donating to our Fundrazer here, PayPal here or etransfer to with the security word as Nibi.
For tens of thousands of years our people have had a profound spiritual connection the to land and water now known as North America. We understand the urgency to shut down projects like the DAPL, Mount Polley, Alton Gas, clearcut logging and the seemingly unregulated, state sponsored, corporate profit driven, destruction of our Mother Earth.
We support the frontline warriors at the Sacred Stone Camp & Red Warrior Camp. We are bringing with us our skills to share, our prayers to be lifted in as one voice and our love for Nibi (water) will be united. We will stand and help protect the sacred sites and stop the impending pollution of the drinking water of the more that 16 million people downstream from the DAPL project. Since first contact we have been defending the land for our future generations and now we ask you to stand with us for the future of all of humankind. There is no need for corporations to continue to extract from the earth for unsustainable dirty energy projects.
We ask our Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Cree brothers and sisters of Ontario to ask questions at their band office. Find out where your communities money is invested. If we really want to help support our relations at Standing Rock, we need those boards and committees who oversee these portfolios to look at divesting from pipeline, mining, tar sands, logging investments. If you cannot be at Standing Rock physically, you can still stand with all those on the frontline of land and water defense by demanding to know how and where your community is investing your money. Where are your community (AANIT) payments coming from?
We are all connected to each other because of water. Water knows no race, no gender and no borders. Whatever you can do to help support those willing to put their bodies on the line at Standing Rock is needed. Here are many other ways that you can help:
Actions targeting financial institutions funding the pipeline are happening around the country between now and September 17. Learn more here and find an event near you here.
Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp legal defense fund.
Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp supply fund.
Contribute to the Red Warrior Camp legal defense fund.
Purchase supplies for the Red Warrior Camp through this wishlist registry.
Call the White House at 1-202-456-1111 telling President Obama to rescind the Army Corps of Engineers’ Permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Find a target and use all your non-violent direct action know to organize a solidarity action.
Spread the word on social media using #NoDAPL #RezpectOurWater #RedWarriorCamp #SacredStoneCamp #IdleNoMore
We will being travelling as a delegation to unite in solidarity for the water at Sacred Stone Camp and Red Warrior Camp in Standing Rock,North Dakota.
In solidarity,
Tori Cress, Idle No More Ontario
Crystal Sinclair, Idle No More Toronto
Becky Big Canoe, Jiimaan Collective