Indigenous Peoples & Climate Change – Idle No More
Indigenous Peoples & Climate Change
With Arthur Manuel & Naomi Klein
February 17 & 18, 2016
“We as Idle No More have put forward the voices of women, the voices of two-spirited people, and the voices of youth. This has really galvanized voices that haven’t been part of this thinking or a part of democracy in Canada. Idle No More has been really amazing at raising the question of democracy and how we’re going to run this country, and whose voices are really going to be at the table, to the forefront of all of our struggles. I think all the struggles do come together under Indigenous rights.” Wanda Nanibush – Beausoleil First Nation, Idle No More Organizer
At the Thompson River University in the Barber Centre – February 17 & 18, 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
9am – OpeningEvent
- Elder Mike Arnouse
- Chief Ryan Day, Bonparte Indian Band
Decolonization & International Framework
- Arthur Manuel, Aboriginal Title and Rights
- Professor Sharon Mascher, International Background
Indigenous Sovereignty Protecting Our Land (Hunting, Fishing and Gathering)
Janice Billy, Secwepemc Land Defender
Freda Huson, Spokesperson, Unist’ot’en Encampment
- Kanahus, Secwepemc
Indigenous Law & Engagement
- Guujaaw, Haida Gwaii
Noon:(Lunch will be provided)
Kinder Morgan Pipeline & Mega Projects
- Carlene Thomas, Tsleil-Waututh Nation
- Toghestiy, Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief
- Nicholas Peterson, Councilor Lower Nicola Indian Band
Indigenous Climate Action – Edmonton January 2016
- Arthur Manuel, Attended the Meeting
Mining: Alienation Map, Mount Polley, Ruddock Creek and Ajax
- Arthur Manuel (David Carruthers’ Mining Map)
- Kanahus – Networking and Supporting Each Other
- This Changes Everything, Directed by Avi Lewis and Narrated by Naomi Klein (1h30min)
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Dialogue with Arthur Manuel, Unsettling Canada and Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything:
- Decolonization & Canada’s Territorial Integrity
- Hunting, Fishing and Gathering
- Pipelines
- Mining
- Forestry
- Neo-colonization: Impact Benefit Agreements & Delegated Authority
- Self-sustaining Indigenous communities
Action Plan
- Take action on the ground – Sharing our experiences
- Activist Network – BC, Canada, Turtle Island & The Hemisphere
- Schedule an “Indigenous Save Mother Earth Conference”