Idle No More Condemns the Norwegian Slaughter of Reindeer – Idle No More
The Norwegian government recently decided to forcefully slaughter most of Jovsset Ánte Sara’s reindeer herd to a level that he cannot make a living from. The slaughter is scheduled for the end of 2018.
In 2015, Jovsset Ánte sued the government for the decision to slaughter his reindeer that in reality pushes him away from his livelihood, culture and way of life. Sara won his case against the state of Norway in the two lower national courts but in the Supreme Court he was ruled to decimate his herd. His case is appealed to the United Nations Human Rights Committee but the Norwegian government refuses wait for the committee’s recommendation. By upholding the Supreme Court’s fatal decision, the state of Norway shows no concern for the human tragedy this will impose on the Sara family. Jovsset Ánte Sara’s has support from the Sámi Nation who stand behind him and his family.
Idle No More urges the Norwegian government to reconsider their decision and wait for the UN`s Human Rights Committee’s recommendations.
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Photo Credit: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix