Idle No More and Defenders of the Land Statement of Solidarity for the Northern Trappers Alliance – Idle No More
Idle No More and Defenders of the Land support and acknowledge the Northern Trappers Alliance in protecting and defending their lands and waters against mineral company’s exploration and extraction activities that will inevitable impact their health, environment and their sources of livelihood. For the long term, this impact will adversely affect all peoples.
On November 19th 2014, the Northern Trappers Alliance “Holding The Line” began blockading the only road leading to lands that corporations specifically Cenovus Energy Inc. are wanting access. The lands in question are located nearby LaLoche about 600 kilometres north of Saskatoon and about 100 kilometres east of Fort McMurray. The exploration and likely subsequent extraction of resources will impact the hunting of the Metis and Dene peoples who rely on the lands to sustain their livelihood and sources of food.
Metis hunter and trapper Don Montgrand, reported, “When I drove up to my trap line, a helicopter followed overhead of me, all the way. That’s 106 km.” The hunters and trappers are finding roads leading to their trap lines blocked by security gates. These actions are being done without their free prior and informed consent. “It’s taking food off of our table” states Bobby Montgrand. The rush to explore the north for mineral and oil exploration is affecting wildlife and fish already impacted from nearby Fort McMurray.
Please support this blockade by contacting:
Contact: Don Montgrand (306) 822-3181
Bobby Montgrand (306) 822-2704