Hupacasath First Nation rallies in Ottawa against China-Canada FIPA deal – Idle No More
“The fight isn’t with China – it’s with the federal government, which failed to consult with First Nations on the Canada-China FIPA as it should have according to section 35 of the Constitution,” said Hupacasath First Nations councillor Brenda Sayers said in an interview with Massoud Hayoun with the Vancouver Observer.
The Hupacasath argued in federal court in June that federal government failed to consult with Aboriginal groups prior to signing the agreement. The federal government lawyers, however, argue that consultation wasn’t necessary for the agreement, as FIPA would preserve “flexibility” on certain issues such as aboriginal rights.
Last October, citizens advocacy groups LeadNow and SumofUs delivered a 60,000-signature petition from Canadians opposing the deal, as well as the Chinese state-owned company CNOOC from buying Canadian energy giant Nexen.