First Nations Strategic Bulletin and Updates on Termination Plan – Idle No More
Termination—means the ending of First Nations pre-existing sovereign status through federal coercion of First Nations into Comprehensive Land Claims and/or Self-Government Final Agreements at 93 Termination Tables, impacting 402 bands/non-status/metis and a total population of 331,945.
The federal government “Core Mandates” for negotiation of final agreements and the main tenets of Harper’s Termination Plan are to get First Nations to:
· Accept the extinguishment (modification) of Aboriginal Title;
· Accept the legal release of Crown liability for past violations of Aboriginal Title & Rights;
· Accept elimination of Indian Reserves by accepting lands in fee simple;
· Accept removing on-reserve tax exemptions;
· Respect existing Private Lands/Third Party Interests (and therefore alienation of Aboriginal Title territory without compensation);
· Accept (to be assimilated into) existing federal & provincial orders of government;
· Accept application of Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms over governance & institutions in all matters;
· Accept Funding on a formula basis being linked to own source revenue;
Other measures too, essentially accepting to become Aboriginal municipalities. [Adapted from Federal Powerpoint entitled “Results Based Approach to Canada’s Participation in Treaty and Self-Government Negotiations – Engagement Process]
Attached are the federal powerpoint with the “core mandates” for negotiation, the internal federal assessment guide and a link to the 93 Termination Tables:
Power Point on the “New Approach for Engagement Process”
Assessment of Negotiations Template Questionnaire