Fire Destroys Everything for One Navajo Nation Family – Idle No More

10384379_10155447548845361_4607126167911725340_n.jpgIn late April Brenda Lee and her children lost everything they own in a fire. With little money for extras, insurance for many Native families is just not an option. This family has lost absolutely everything will be starting over again with the kindness of family, friends, community and quite possibly strangers.


Friends/family have set up a crowd source fundraising page for Brenda and her children. There has also been an account set up at Wells Fargo Bank and donations can be deposited into the names Brenda Lee/Shalyce Lee. Just let the teller know it’s for the 11174630_824717400948938_5506230806479030520_o.jpg“Burn-Out” account. 

Any and all help are welcome. Even if all you can do is share this link that help is also needed and welcomed. 

Here is the link for the Go Fund Me account: Help for Brenda & Children