Emergency in Brazil – Idle No More
Today, the native peoples of the Amazon and the Amazon itself are in great danger.
On Tuesday 19 May 2015 a bid will be made to legislatively usurp the legal rights of the indigenous peoples of Brazil to their land. The only indigenous land that is still protected by the constitution is today being directly threatened by this law; which will also put in danger the procedure for marking out other native territories.
The reason:
They are trying to put through reforms that violate the present constitutional rights of native Amazonians in order to satisfy the lobbies of big multinationals. Congress, upon the request of these « country lovers », is seeking to modify article 231 of the constitution in order to pass amendment 215 that will take away from the indigenous, all their rights to their land and transfer them to Congress. The situation is grave; this is a total negation of these people that has the purpose of the multinationals getting their hands on this land so that they can be legally massively deforest the Amazon – the lungs – yours and mine – and of this planet.
We can’t sit by idly and do nothing; we must all stand and say NON TO AMENDMENT 215!!! WE DEMANDE THAT THE AMAZON AND ITS PEOPLE BE PROTECTED!!!
IDLE NO MORE BRASIL, IDLE NO MORE France, IDLE NO MORE Kabylia are calling upon all defenders of the earth, all human beings to mobilise themselves in solidarity with the indigenous people of Brazil who are threatened with immediate extinction. We can’t just sit there and do nothing; we must say NON TO AMENDMENT 215!!!
– Let’s sign the petition !!!
-Let’s carry out actions where we say NON TO AMENDMENT 215!!! ..in groups or individually that we photograph and post to the following link #PEC215NÃO
-Let’s send e-mails to:
To write to the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress of Brazil
Other email addresses:
-General coordinator of research, Cristina Neme
Email: luciane.moraes@mj.gov.br
– Coordinator SINESPJC, Rafael Rodrigues de Sousa
Email: rafael.rodrigues@mj.gov.br
Example of mail to send :
“I support all the indigenous peoples and quilombolas in Brazil who are threatened in their existence by the draft amendment PEC 215 since these peoples withdraw all their rights on their territory.
The federation of Brazil has signed the Convention 169 of the ILO concerning indigenous peoples, as such a vote if it occurred in Brazil would be totally illegal and constitute a serious violation of this ratification and international law.
The protection of indigenous peoples in environmental and economic interests of the Brazilian federation.
Also we humans all over the planet we ask the protection of all Indigenous and Quilombola is a definitive rejection of this amendment PEC215 project.
Signature “