Committee For Future Generations Update – Idle No More
March 4, 2015 – Creighton is the last of three Saskatchewan communities to be dropped from site selection process with the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) for burying millions of highly radioactive nuclear fuel rods. “I am happy and thankful this is over. I can forget and forgive all the mean and cruel things said and done,” stated Creighton resident, Nadine Smart. “I have a sense of peace and relief, yet I’m sorry that nine (Ontario) communities are still fighting this. Nuclear waste should not be buried anywhere; it has to be kept above ground where it can be monitored, forever. This whole process is full of deception, money and bribes.”
Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation, within whose traditional territory the proposed repository would have been located, issued a Band Council Resolution in May of 2014 against nuclear waste and any promotion of its storage and transportation. PBCN maintained that jobs forecasted by NWMO were not worth the risk of radiating the water and land for future generations. The Committee for Future Generations formed in May 2011 and joined a nation-wide network to counter NWMO’s industry-biased information and educate on the hazards of nuclear waste and the conduct of the nuclear industry. NWMO’s claim that certain communities are dropped due to unsuitable geology masks the reality of rising opposition to their plan, but also means that those communities can never again be considered for deep geological storage. “Who would have thought a few little Indians would have the power to knock down a giant?” reflected CFFG founding member, Fred Pederson from Pinehouse, another community whose administration was paid to engage with NWMO in site selection process. “Well let me put it this way: this is what happens when people stick together and fight for what they believe in, against terrorism of our land.”
Eliminating Saskatchewan from nuclear waste storage also cancels any chance of reprocessing plutonium taking place in the province.
“No industrial corporation or government has the right to manipulate the true spirit of Aboriginal stewardship,” emphasized another founding member of CFFG, Marius Paul of English River First Nation. “The process that NWMO is following to secure a burial site for the most lethal waste product on earth is still the same systematic oppression that Aboriginal peoples have faced since the beginning of colonialism.” -30-
Media Contacts Nadine Smart: 1-204-687-6549 Creighton, Saskatchewan
Candyce Paul: 1-306-288-2079 Beauval, Saskatchewan
The Committee for Future Generations needs your help!
This Silent Auction Fund-raiser is to support getting Kirstin Scansen, Susnaghe Neneh, and Candyce Paul to the World Uranium Symposium being held April 14- 16, 2015 in Quebec City. Check out the grassroots initiative on the Facebook Group:
Get Committee for Future Generations reps to Quebec City here.