Reclaiming Our Steps – Idle No More
Monday February 24, 2014
Indigenous journeyers complete 1700 km trek
Forty-nine days ago, a group of First Nations adults and youth began a spiritual journey from Attawapiskat First Nation by James Bay to Ottawa. The twenty-five Indigenous walkers arrive in Ottawa this morning. Some of them have walked 1700 kms!
Concerned about broken treaties, land and water protection, and human rights issues the Omushkegowuk Walkers vowed to take their steps back by walking all the way to Ottawa. They have a message to share when their journey ends at Parliament Hill today at 12:30 PM.
They’ll start at Carling and Bronson this morning at 10:30 AM, be greeted by Glebe high school students as they pass and head up First Avenue to First Avenue primary school for 11:00 AM. From there they take O’Connor to Isabella and then Elgin Street up to the Human Rights Monument at Lisgar Street for 12 NOON. If you are not coming to the Hill for the welcome – please show these Indigenous Journeyers some support by slowing down along the route and giving them a cheer, a wave or a honk for support.
After a brief ceremony at the Human Rights Monument, and likely joined by hundreds of well-wishers, the Omushkegowuk Walkers are to march up Elgin to Parliament at 12:10 PM.
On the way, Ottawa First Nations drum group the O-Town Boyz, the Walkers and other supporters will stop for a Healing Song at 12:20 PM in front of the Prime Minister’s office on Wellington.
At 12:30 PM Reclaiming our steps, past present and future Walkers arrive at Parliament Hill. Please join us in welcoming these heroes from the north. The speaking, drumming and dancing event will go until 2:30 PM. A farewell Pipe Ceremony and Community Potluck Feast for the Walkers is planned for Wednesday, February 26th.
To learn about the journey, please visit their facebook page Reclaiming Our Steps – Past, Present and Future. Reclaiming Our Steps Past Present Future – Walkers fb page
For more detailed information about the events today and on February 26th please visit Events Feb24-26 Reclaiming Our Steps – Idle No More Ontario .
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