One Stolen Sister Too Many – Idle No More
We are gathering outside of MP Kellie Leitch’s Collingwood office. An event that goes directly to the doorstep of MP Kelly Leitch, the Federal Minister on the Status of Women, who will also be in attendance of the February 27th Roundtable discussions in Ottawa. Discussions that seat only a select group of elite people. Not included in the representation are the voices of the families or the grassroots people. Our rally and march will educate the public during our peaceful gathering.
We continue to demand of real action to support an Indigenous led National Inquiry into Murder and Missing Indigenous women and girls. We have invited all the Chiefs of Ontario and asked them to support their grassroots people and help them with a means for you to attend on February 13th in Collingwood Ontario. We will continue to keep the pressure on Federal gov’t to support an National Inquiry no matter how long they choose to ignore the people.
The protection of our women starts with us, and together we need to raise the voices of the families of our stolen sisters, and continue to support their demand for justice.
1:00 pm Welcome to all and Grandfather Drum Song (Ashunyung Singers)
1:15 pm Ceremony for new MMIW and Water Eagle Staff (Keepers of Staff- Suzanne Smoke and Cedar Smoke) and Ashunyung Singers.
1:35 pm Prayer Offering
1:45 pm Gladys Redek – Tears For Justice
1:55 pm John Fox Family of MMIW
2:05 pm Rheann Ackabee Family of MMIW
2:15 pm Nicole Marie Jones – hand drum – Honour song.
2:20 pm Becky Big Canoe – Tears for Justice, Water Walker
2:30 pm Haily Maio Women’s Services in Simcoe county
2:40 pm Grandfather Drum and Round Dance @ the traffic intersection.
3:00 pm Suzanne Smoke
3:15 pm MP Kellie Leitch (to be confirmed)
3:40 pm Speaker to be confirmed
3:50 pm Raffle Draw
4:00 pm Closing Prayer and Travelling song Grandfather Drum
Idle No More Event Page:
Facebook Event Page:
#MMIW #Feb14 #IdleNoMore
Submitted by the Event Organizer:
Tori Cress –