Landmark Events for Indigenous Rights – Idle No More
This has been a very exciting and significant month, with a landmark court case for Indigenous rights, and several gatherings that invite Indigenous peoples and our allies (from both local and global contexts) to find new forms of resistance and healing. There are also several big events to look forward to in August including the Peoples Social Forum, which will have a strong Idle No More presence.
Help get the Grassy Narrows Women’s Drum Group to River Run 2014!
In July 2014 our community will continue our strong leadership in demanding justice for our community and the environment. We need your support to make this happen! On the week of July 28-August 1st we will be coming to Toronto for River Run 2014! We will lead a week of events to raise public awareness about our struggle for justice and water protection. The week will culminate in a large march to Queen’s Park where we will demand JUSTICE, AN END TO CLEAR-CUTTING, and SOVEREIGNTY OVER OUR TERRITORY. There are costs associated with this week of events- the largest of which is our transportation costs to get our community members over 1, 700km to Toronto, that’s why we need your support!
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Encuentro 2014 Montreal, Quebec. Idle No More Round Dance Revolution
This year at Encuentro over 300 participants joined hands to share in this powerful urban intervention on unceded Mohawk territory. Ellen Gabriel opened with a welcoming prayer, and drummers took to the center of the circle, as people moved in unison to the heartbeat of the drums. After the round dance, participants were invited to witness a public performance by La Pocha Nostra. This event was prepared in a week long workshop called the Indigenous anti-manifesto, which included Idle No More organizers from the northern and southern hemispheres. These coordinated actions made for an amazing week of spiritual activism and creative grassroots resistance!
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T’silhqot’in Supreme Court Decision
The recent T’silhqot’in Supreme Court decision is certainly a victory for the Indigenous peoples who fought for so long in disputing the Government’s claims that only intensive activity land areas were within the scope of T’silhqot’in peoples jurisdiction. This SCC decision has recognized a vast land base as their territory . As well, it’s significant in recognizing that Indigenous peoples have their own laws that apply to land and resources, which counters the racist doctrine of Terra Nullius (Latin for ‘land belonging to no one’). The Supreme Court held that Tsilhqot’in laws are to be given equal weight in determining land claims, and evidence was produced at trial to show that the Tsilhqot’in people had such laws. This decision applies equally to treaty claims.
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Tar Sands Healing Walk 2014
On June 28th, 2014, over 700 people gathered for the 5th and final Athabasca region Healing Walk. The walk sent a clear message that Indigenous Peoples from across Turtle Island are united to protect the land, water, air, and all living beings from the destruction of the Tar sands and it’s pipelines. Organizers and participants are adamant that this may be the final walk but it will not be the final stand against the destruction of the tarsands. There is a war against the earth and its become a global battle of resistance to climate change. A movement of peaceful resistance that resonates with all who are impacted.
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Peoples’ Social Forum Ottawa August 21-24 – Apply now for Financial Support!
Peoples’ Social Forum 2014 solidarity money will be awarded primarily to youth, Indigenous, Peoples of Colour, remote and low income individuals with special considerations for maximizing the number of people able to attend.
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