Members of the Idle No More Communications Team provided videography and media support during the Healing Walk, which was sponsored by Keepers of the Athabasca, a collection of First Nations, Metis, Inuit, environmental groups, and watershed citizens. Seven hundred Indigenous and non-Indigenous people walked the 16-kilometre spiritual walk around a former tailings pond in Fort McMurray, AB, to pray for the land, the people, and the future. This powerful Healing Walk was an important opportunity to share the experience of the First Nations in the area around the tar sands. Indigenous Peoples are coming together across territories to show that they are not in support of the Tar Sands and the associated pipelines, from the Keystone XL to Line 9. Links of solidarity have been built between the many areas impacted by this development, such as between Kanehsatà:ke and Kitimat.