Indigenous Alliances from the Tar Sands to the Amazon – The Condor And The Eagle – Idle No More
The Condor And The Eagle
Support Indigenous Alliances from the Tar Sands to the Amazon
Submitted by: Clement Guerra (Updated March 23rd)
“Violence against Mother Earth is violence against women, the two are inextricably linked” Melina Laboucan-Massimo
Photograph by Ayşe Gürsöz
Help out if you can. Any amount helps. If each of the people we know, you and a few of your friends would donate $1 we would be well over our goal. That is incredible to imagine.
We need your support to make sure our brothers and sisters from the Amazon and North America grow this driving force we need in the face of growing climate chaos.
This is our second video of The Condor And Eagle – Mini Series. Within the coming months, we will release 6 videos. Each video will walk you through some of the many eye-opening experiences we have gone through the past year.
Come aboard and fly over the boreal forest and share the lives and voices of Fort Chipewyan inhabitants. This community is heavily impacted by tar sands developments. Their way of life has been jeopardized and their future as a community is now being threatened. We stayed 2 weeks over there and found resilient individuals and a community in resistance. They remind us a very important fact: WE ALL LIVE DOWNSTREAM!
This initiative aims to explore the solutions available to the many impacts of industry’s expansion of “extreme” crude oil on global and regional ecology and on the welfare of Indigenous communities.

- The rise of the environmental movement
- Continued Indian genocide caused by the modern industrial projects
- Climate Change
- Intercultural Awareness
- Women’s Leadership
- Rights of Nature
- Community Organizing Strategies
- Partnerships with youth organizations in Ecuador/Peru organized by the youth and for the youth
- Bonds and alliances while working on the creation of a women treaty between Indigenous women from the North and the South
- Awareness on Yasuni National Park sellout to petrochemical extractive industrie