Idle No More Stands in Solidarity with the Families of the Missing Ayotzinapa Students of Mexico – Idle No More

Idle No More supports and stands in solidarity with the families of the missing Ayotzinapa students following Mexico’s mid-term elections. Several months ago the families of the 43 missing students denounced yesterday’s midterm election, stating that the conditions would not allow a fair and transparent election due to the evidence of links between organized crime and local governments. The recent election has been called the “Narco-Elections” by activists and protesters.SolidarityMexico1.jpg

As reported by Telesur, activists, which includes teachers and other concerned citizens,  in the southern Mexican states of Oaxaca and Guerrero, called for a boycott of the vote stating that “the election is a ‘farce’ that will only serve to legitimize a political system that is closely tied to organized crime.”  In the  weeks leading up to the election, 9 candidates were killed, underscoring the extreme violence that has swept the country.

Mainstream media and other sources have reported deaths, arrests, and violence in the states of Oaxaca, Chiapas and Guerrero, Puebla, Yucatan Chihuahua, and Michoacan. It has also been reported that 415 polling stations were closed due to the violent disruptions.


We oppose the use of the military to cordon off the city of Guerrero in an attempt to deceive the world that the June 7th election would be “peaceful”. We oppose the use of militarized police and the Mexican army in an attempt to subdue, silence, harm, and kill those who have stood up in opposition to the federal elections held in the state of Guerrero.

We ask you to join us in Solidarity to support those who have been leading the movement to bring back the 43 Ayotzinapa students alive, as they are firmly opposed the federal elections being held in the state of Guerrero.


Violence that has been reported is continuing at this very moment. Stand with us in Solidarity as we demand justice for the families of the missing Ayotzinapa students and support their stand against corruption, violence, the deaths of those opposed, and countless human rights violations during the recent Mexican midterm elections.  

Photos Credit: SC # YoSoy132’s Facebook page