In March 2014, Idle No More Winnipeg, with the support of the Indigenous Tar Sands Campaign, hosted a First Nations TransCanada Energy East Resistance Strategic Planning and Information Session in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Over 60 First Nations participants from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick attended to learn about the TransCanada Energy East proposal and to develop an Indigenous Strategy to protect Indigenous rights, land, and water from this dangerous proposal. People went home armed with information to share with their base about the proposed Energy East Pipeline and the controversial Canadian Tar Sands and its impacts on Indigenous Peoples’ lives and rights. Four priority regions/choke points have emerged as key regions to invest in base building and movement infrastructure: the Prairie region, Treaty 3/Winnipeg, Kanehsatà:ke Mohawk Nation, and Mi’kma’ki and Wolastokuk (the Maritime region of Canada).