Burnaby Mountain Resistance – Idle No More
Burnaby mountain is located on the outskirts of Vancouver and Burnaby, British Columbia surrounded by residents concerned about the impacts of a Kinder Morgan trans-mountain pipeline expansion. Anti-pipeline activists set up an encampment on Burnaby Mountain in September in an attempt to block Kinder Morgan crews from accessing the area. Since then, a court injunction was granted to Kinder Morgan giving them access to the mountain to begin their survey and drilling work. Indigenous peoples whose unceded lands are located on Burnaby mountain along with allies have been vigilant and peaceful while some have crossed a line to protest and have gotten arrested. To date approximately 50 arrests have been made including David Suzuki’s grandson Tamo Campos and Brigette Depape.
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November 27, 2014: BC First Nation Chief Arrested & walks hand in hand with Tsleil-Waututh elder Amy George
November 28, 2014: Kinder Morgan Pulls Equipment from Burnaby Mountain http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/kinder-morgan-pulls-equipment-from-burnaby-mountain-1.2853937