Anishinaabe Rapper Tall Paul & Warrior Chief John Levi from the Elsipogtog FN resistance against SWN Resources Canada fracking – Idle No More
From Indigenous Waves
Anishinaabe rapper Tall Paul is originally from Leech Lake, Minnesota, however he grew up in the city of Minneapolis which meant not having connection to his identity as an Anishinaabe person. Tall Paul joined Indigenous Waves this week to talk about the themes in his music including growing up in the city, being removed from language, culture and tradition and reconnecting to his identity through education and music. His track “Prayers in a Song” is the result of reconnecting to Anishinaabemowin through school, and Tall Paul shares the story of how that came to be.
The Elsipogtog First Nation (Mi’kmaq) in New Brunswick have been protesting shale gas exploration and drilling from SWN Resources Canada through direct non-violent action. Last week the RCMP moved in and, according to eye witnesses, aggressively made 29 arrests during a peaceful protest. The aggressive arrests resulted in several injuries of Indigenous women including nerve damage and a busted lip from a punch to the face.
Warrior Chief John Levi (Mi’kmaq) joined Indigenous Waves to discuss the grassroots, non-violent actions being taken due to dangers of fracking, shale gas exploration and seismic testing in his community, including the devastation to water and land.
Point of Contact – Prayers in a Song
Just Jamaal f. Lena Recollet – What It’s All About
Tall Paul – Taurus the Bull f. $kywalker
Originally Aired Monday June 24, 2013
Photo Credits: Elsipogtog Arrests – M. Howe c/o Halifax Media Co-op
Tall Paul – Daniel Yang c/o Tall Paul